636 Quotes by Gillian Flynn

  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    To me, all that urgent hopefulness was more frightening than if I’d found a pile of skulls with hair still attached. I ran out in full panic, my underwear tucked up a sleeve.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    I think there is something very relatable in the idea that you hit a certain age, later in your life, where you realize you have to pick up the rug and see what’s underneath it and deal with stuff.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    In a few years you may find a Starbucks, which will bring the town what it yearns for: prepackaged, preapproved mainstream hipness.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    When we got home, she’d trail off to her room like an unfinished sentence, and I would sit outside with my face pressed against her door and replay the day in my head, searching for clues to what I’d done to displease her.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    There’s no app for a bourbon buzz on a warm day in a cool, dark bar. The world will always want a drink.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    Against the far wall was a wire cage holding a pack of unblinking bunnies. World’s dumbest pet, I thought. Who would want an animal that sat, quivered, and shat everywhere? They say you can litter-box train them, but they lie.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    Libby was a Christmas baby, which meant she never got the right amount of presents. Patty would hold one extra gift aside – and Happy Birthday to Libby! – but they all knew the truth, Libby got ripped off. Libby rarely felt less than ripped off.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    I was not a lovable child, and I’d grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul, and it’d be a scribble with fangs.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
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    And I didn’t realize. I didn’t take into account. Just. You know, this is real to you. I mean, I know that, we know that, but we don’t at the same time. We really just never will. I don’t think. Totally get that. You spend so much time discussing and debating it becomes... But. Well. I’m sorry.

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