137 Quotes by Glen Cook
- Author Glen Cook
A world ought to have a few genuine good guys, and not just a spectrum of people running from bad to worse.
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- Author Glen Cook
Oh, 'twould be marvelous if the world and its moral questions were like some game board, with plain black players and white, and fixed rules, and nary a shade of grey.
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- Author Glen Cook
Write. Don't talk about writing. Don't tell me about your wonderful story ideas. Don't give me a bunch of "somedays." Plant your ass and scribble, type, keyboard. If you have any talent at all, it will leak out despite your failure to pay attention in English.
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- Author Glen Cook
There is no vengeance as terrible as the vengeance a coward plots in the dark of his heart.
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- Author Glen Cook
An army without faith in itself is beaten more surely than an army defeated in battle.
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- Author Glen Cook
Consider little children. There are not many of them not cute and lovable and precious, sweet as whipped honey and butter. So where do all the wicked people come from?
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- Author Glen Cook
I am a haunted man. I am haunted by the Limper’s screams. I am haunted by the Lady’s laughter. I am haunted by my suspicion that we are furthering the cause of something that deserves to be scrubbed from the face of the earth. I am haunted by the conviction that those bent upon the Lady’s eradication are little better than she. I am haunted by the clear knowledge that, in the end, evil always triumphs.
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- Author Glen Cook
I’m an incurable romantic. The essence of romance is an unshakable conviction that next time will be different.
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- Author Glen Cook
The Hanged Man stopped gesturing and struck a pose: man listening.
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