16 Quotes by H.P. Blavatsky

"The Dzyu becomes Fohat, the swift son of the Divine sons whose sons are the Lipka, runs circular errands. Fohat is the steed and the thought is the rider."


"It is most remarkable that, while confessing their entire ignorance of the true Nature of even terrestrial matter--primordial substance being regarded more as a dream than as a sober reality--the physicists should set themselves up as judges, nevertheless, of that matter, and claim to know what it is able and is not able to do, in various combinations."


"at slander she smiles in silent contempt"


"Scientists know it (matter) hardly skin deep, and yet they will dogmatise."


"The Planetary Spirits are the informing spirits of the Stars in general, and of the Planets especially. They rule the destinies of men who are all born under one or other of their constellations"


"Tho-ag in Zhi-gyu slept seven Khorlo. Zodmanas zhiba. All Nyug bosom. Konch-hog not; Thyan-Kam not; Lha-Chohan not; Tenbrel Chugnyi not; Dharmakaya ceased; Tgenchang not become; Barnang and Ssa in Ngovonyidj; alone Tho-og Yinsin in night of Sun-chan and Yong-grub (Parinishpanna), &c., &c."
