15 Quotes by HEGEL

  • Author HEGEL
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    ...the Beautiful is the expression of the absolute Spirit, which is truth itself. This region of Divine truth as artistically presented to perception and feeling, forms the center of the whole world of Art. It is a self-contained, free, divine formation which has completely appropriated the elements of external form as material, and which employs them only as the means of manifesting itself.

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  • Author HEGEL
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    To hold fast the positive in the negative, in the content of the presupposition, in the result, this is the most important feature in rational cognition.

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  • Author HEGEL
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    Wenn die Philosophie ihr Grau in Grau malt, dann ist eine Gestalt des Lebens alt geworden, und mit Grau in Grau läßt sie sich nicht verjüngen, sondern nur erkennen; die Eule der Minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden Dämmerung ihren Flug.

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  • Author HEGEL
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    When philosophy paints its gray on gray, then has a form of life grown old, and with gray on gray it cannot be rejuvenated, but only known; the Owl of Minerva first takes flight with twilight closing in.

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  • Author HEGEL
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    Ce que nous enseignent l'expérience et l'histoire, c'est que ni le peuple ni les gouvernements n'ont jamais appris quoi que ce soit par l'histoire, ou agi selon des principes déduits de l'histoire.

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