131 Quotes by Haemin Sunim

  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Beyond stereotypes and assumptions, there is a valley of openness and authenticity.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Maturity comes with experience. One lesson of maturity is that we should not take our thoughts too seriously, and must learn to curb our ego and see the bigger picture.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    When someone does not like us, it is not our problem but theirs. Not everyone will like us. This is a problem only if we let it bother us.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Our emotions are capricious, like the weather in London. One minute, when someone criticizes us, we are offended and furious. The next minute, when someone praises us, we feel proud and pompous. Unless we recognize the still point beneath the surface of our changing emotions, we will feel we are hostage to their whims.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    What our mind focuses on becomes our world. Seen this way, the mind does not seem so insignificant in relation to the world out there, does it?

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    There is a famous Buddhist saying that everyone appears as buddhas in the eyes of the Buddha and everyone appears as pigs in the eyes of a pig. It suggests that the world is experienced according to the state of one’s mind. When your mind is joyful and compassionate, the world is, too. When your mind is filled with negative thoughts, the world appears negative, too. When you feel overwhelmed and busy, remember that you are not powerless. When your mind rests, the world also rests.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    If you are desperately looking to meet someone special, send your prayer out to the universe. The universe is an amazing matchmaker.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    The determination to convince someone might stem from being not completely convinced yourself.

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