131 Quotes by Haemin Sunim

  • Author Haemin Sunim
  • Quote

    There is a saying in Korea: “Lengthy deliberation often leads to a terrible decision.” If you think and worry too much before doing something, “your boat goes to the mountain instead of the ocean.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    We sometimes find it difficult to control our emotions. At such times, take some quiet time alone. Go for a walk on your own, watch a great film read a new book, or do some meditation. Give the suppressed emotion space until it can breathe easily.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    If you want to predict how a politician will act after winning an election, look at how he currently lives and how he has behaved in the past. A person does not live the way he says he would. He lives the way he has been living.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Thinking too much can make it difficult to act. If you just do it, then it is done. But if you give in to your thinking, your mind will get in the way, telling you “you can’t,” “you shouldn’t,” “you don’t want to.” In that case, get up early the next morning and just do the thing you’ve been putting off. If you give yourself time to start thinking about it, inaction will take hold again.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    If we look at it more closely, we see it’s not the situation that is troubling us, but our perspective on it.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    People are like heaters.” Our presence can warm each other.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Love, not righteous words, can change people’s lives.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    The more you know, the more you think you don’t. The more you don’t know, the more you think you do.

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  • Author Haemin Sunim
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    Do not fight your negative emotions. Observe and befriend them.

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