34 Quotes by Hampton Sides

  • Author Hampton Sides
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    When the Americans were trying to conquer the Navajos, they felt this need to capture Canyon de Chelly like it was the Navajo capital. It was a meeting place and a sanctuary of last refuge. To control Canyon de Chelly was to control the Navajo people.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    Yakutsk was widely considered the coldest city on earth – a designation it still holds today – and the world’s largest city built entirely on permafrost.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    He belonged to the men who have cared for great things, not to bring themselves honor, but because doing great things could alone satisfy their natures.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    We do not want to go to the right or left, but straight back to our own country!

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    Daddy King recognized that in the face of concerted evil, his son had nowhere to hide. “No matter how much protection a person has, it will not be enough if the enemy is hatred,” he would write. His son’s fate, he realized, had been sealed years earlier. “To avoid it was impossible, even as avoiding the coming of darkness in the evening.” The.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    For poverty is miserable. It is ugly, disorganized, rowdy, sick, uneducated, violent, afflicted with crime. Poverty demeans human dignity. The demanding tone, the inarticulateness, the implied violence deeply offended us. We didn’t want to see it on our sacred monumental grounds. We wanted it out of sight and out of mind.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    Wallace seemed to draw strength from the restiveness in the air. “He has a bugle voice of venom,” a commentator from the New Republic wrote, “and a gut knowledge of the prejudices of his audience.” A Newsweek correspondent covering the Wallace rallies, noting “the heat, the rebel yells, the flags waving,” and the legions of “psychologically threadbare” supporters, declared that Wallace “speaks to the unease everyone senses in America.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    He became more and more intrigued by the Arctic, by its lonely grandeur, by its mirages and strange tricks of light, its mock moons and blood-red halos, its thick, misty atmospheres, which altered and magnified sounds, leaving the impression that one was living under a dome.

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  • Author Hampton Sides
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    This same strain of transcendent “love-your-enemies” thinking guided Young, Abernathy, and the others as they began to contemplate their leader’s death. As Young put it, “We aren’t so much concerned with who killed Martin, as with what killed him.” It.

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