130 Quotes by Hamza Yusuf
- Author Hamza Yusuf
The Jews would have us believe that God had this bias to this little small tribe in the middle of the Sinai Desert, and all the rest of humanity is just rubbish. I mean, that is the basic doctrine of the Jewish religion, and that's why it is a most racist religion.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
We want to counter the idea that Muslims and non-Muslims can't live together. This is not who we are or who we want to be.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
Much to the chagrin of the staunchly secular among us, religion shows no sign of going away. Predictions of the demise of religion, faith, tradition - and even God - have consistently been proven wrong.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
The human family is a great one, and the Muslim branch is certainly worth knowing.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
If you don't have religious fallibilism, you have immense problems.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
People can't think when their minds are clouded with fear.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
We must assert to the Abrahamic people that we are the last extension of the Abrahamic religion... There is no such thing as an Islamic tribe.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
You can condemn and criticize religion... all those things are fine, but you can't mock and disrespect people.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
I don't align myself with the West of the Muslim world. I align myself with what I perceive to be just and in accordance with my principles - the principles that I live my life by which are universal principles and that are embodied in the religion of Islam.
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