130 Quotes by Hamza Yusuf
- Author Hamza Yusuf
It is a privilege to be in a position to offer charity and an honor to fulfill a divine obligation.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
Meanwhile, life passes on and time runs out. The culture of wanting more simply for the sake of more can occupy a person for an entire lifetime. But in the end, life is over. It terminates for the beggar and the affluent just the same, whether one is old or young, rich or poor, happy or sad.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
When people are completely immersed in the material world, believing that this world is all that matters and all that exists and that they are not accountable for their actions, they affect a spiritual death of their hearts.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
The Prophet supplicated that God, the Exalted, show him things in their reality, distinguished and clear: “Show me the truth as truth and give me the ability to follow it; and show me falsehood as falsehood and give me the ability to avoid it.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
The Imam posits that the treatment of wantonness is to intentionally experience hunger and to reflect seriously on death and the Hereafter.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
The cure for hatred is straightforward. One should pray for the person toward whom he feels hatred, making specific supplications that mention this person by name, asking God to give this person good things in this life and the next.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
The Prophet also said that the affair of believers is all good. Even if something unpleasant occurs, there is good in it.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
One sign of these conditions is the ease with which people enter into debt and live contentedly with it. People are consciously living beyond their means in order to maintain the appearance of affluence. This is a product of wantonness: willingly falling headlong into debt in order to achieve a certain material standard of living.
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- Author Hamza Yusuf
One aspect of traditional medicine related to a spiritual cosmology – whether this tradition was Greek, Chinese, or Arab – is the belief that too much food harms the spiritual heart and, in fact, could kill it. It was commonly believed that people who eat in abundance become hardhearted.
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