241 Quotes by Hanya Yanagihara
- Author Hanya Yanagihara
(...) îşi cere scuze şi iese din cabinetul doctorului, năpustindu-se spre baie, unde se încuie înăuntru, respirând lent şi masându-şi pieptul cu palma, ca pentru a-şi alina inima.
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Life itself is the axiom of the empty set. It begins in zero and ends in zero.
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Sometimes he would think of those moments and feel a sort of disorientation: Was that them, really, those people back then? Where had those people gone? Would they reappear? Or were they now other people entirely? And then he would imagine that those people weren't so much gone as they were within them, waiting to bob back up to the surface, to reclaim their bodies and minds; they were identities now in remission, but they would always be with them.
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
[He] was anxious about something, but he knew: he was worried because to be alive was to worry. Life was scary; it was unknowable.
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Но сейчас настала эра самореализации, сейчас довольствоваться тем, к чему душа изначально как-то не лежала - мелко и слабохарактерно. Теперь к том, чтобы покориться судьбе, нет ничего достойного, теперь это считается трусостью
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Relationships never provide you with everything. They provide you with some things. You take all the things you want from a person—sexual chemistry, let’s say, or good conversation, or financial support, or intellectual compatibility, or niceness, or loyalty—and you get to pick three of those things. Three—that’s it. Maybe four, if you’re very lucky. The rest you have to look for elsewhere.
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
You boys are really turning into a bunch of Peter Pans," he said. "Willem, what are you? Thirty-six? I'm not sure what's going on with you lot. You’re making money. You've achieved something. Don't you think you guys should stop clinging to one another and get serious about adulthood?" But how was one to be an adult? Was couplehood truly the only appropriate option?
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Don't you think you guys should stop clinging to one another and get serious about adulthood?" But how was one to be an adult? Was couplehood truly the only appropriate option?
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- Author Hanya Yanagihara
Finally and essentially: I not only never could have, but never would have, written this book without the conversations with—and the kindness, grace, empathy, forgiveness, and wisdom of—Jared Hohlt, my first and favorite reader, secret keeper, and North Star. His beloved friendship is the greatest gift of my adulthood.
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