435 Quotes by Harry Reid
- Author Harry Reid
The president is 0-3 in his last three speeches. In order to support the mission, the American people need to know the remaining military and political benchmarks.
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- Author Harry Reid
get the truth about why the White House cherry-picked and leaked intelligence to sell the war in Iraq.
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- Author Harry Reid
[Social Security ] is not in crisis at this stage. Leave Social Security alone. We have a lot of other places we can look that is in crisis. But Social Security is not.
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- Author Harry Reid
The president, I guess, is still being driven by Karl Rove,
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- Author Harry Reid
That is not one of the names that I've suggested to the president,
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- Author Harry Reid
For those of us who fly a lot and are stuck at gates, we feel after an hour, you should be able to say, 'OK, I've had enough. I want off here,'
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- Author Harry Reid
take an average hotel worker in my home state of Nevada. He's married and has two children, and earns $25,000 a year. Under the Bush-Republican plan, he would get nothing -- not one cent in tax relief. Now take a rich stockbroker in New York who made millions trading other people's money. Under the Republican plan, he'd win the lottery. I don't think that's fair.
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- Author Harry Reid
the radical right wing of the Republican Party.
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- Author Harry Reid
The president is now having to deal with a Congress. He's never had to do that before. The president in the past, he has just done whatever he wanted. He had a big rubberstamp here up on Capitol Hill, whatever he wanted, they stamped OK. That's not the way it is now.
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