2,618 Quotes by Haruki Murakami
- Author Haruki Murakami
Наблизо имаше няколко дървета, от които се разнасяше механичният писък на птица, която сякаш навиваше пружина. Наричахме птицата с пружината. Измисли го Кумико. Не знаехме каква птица е и как изглежда, това обаче изобщо не я вълнуваше. Всеки ден тя долиташе в дърветата в квартала и започваше да навива пружината в притихналия ни малък свят.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
La impresión que tiene es que la revolución es una manera de pensar un tanto puntiaguda; mientras que la paz es una manera de pensar un tanto redondeada. Todas las maneras de pensar tienen una forma y un colorido concretos. E, igual que la Luna, crecen y menguan.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
El conocimiento es así. El mundo cambia según nuestra percepción. Existe, sin duda alguna, aquí y de esta forma, pero, desde el punto de vista fenoménico el mundo no es sino una posibilidad entre un número infinito de posibilidades. Para ser más preciso, el mundo cambia según dé uno un paso hacia la derecha o hacia la izquierda. Por lo tanto, el mundo se modifica a medida que cambian los recuerdos.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Como vivimos en un mundo tan cómodo, nuestra sensibilidad ha languidecido.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
El único camino posible es hacia delante.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
After those bohemian days, he went back to college, and returned to academic life. He never went on a long trip ever again. As far as I know, he’s spent his time since just shuttling back and forth between home and his office. It’s strange, isn’t it? No matter how quiet and conformist a person’s life seems, there’s always a time in the past when they reached an impasse. A time when they went a little crazy. I guess people need that sort of stage in their lives.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I spent thirty-three years in another man's shadow. I went everywhere he went, I helped him with everything he did. I was in a sense a part of him. When you live like that for a long time, you gradually lose track of what it is you yourself really want out of life
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- Author Haruki Murakami
¿Por qué tenemos que quedarnos todos tan solos? Pensé. ¿Qué necesidad hay? Hay tantísimas personas en este mundo que esperan, todas y cada una de ellas, algo de los demás, y que, no obstante, se aíslan tanto las unas de las otras. ¿Para qué? ¿Se nutre acaso el planeta de la soledad de los seres humanos para seguir rotando?
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- Author Haruki Murakami
La diferencia entre vivir en soledad y sentirse solo.
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