2,618 Quotes by Haruki Murakami
- Author Haruki Murakami
All he could do was wait like this, patiently, until it grew light out and the birds awoke and began their day. All he could do was trust in the birds, in all the birds, with their wings and beaks.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Les deux coudes sur la table, j'enfouis mon visage dans mes paumes. Au fond de ces ténèbres, je pensai à la mer sous la pluie. Il pleuvait sans bruit sur le vaste océan à l'insu du monde entier. Les gouttes frappaient la surface des eaux en silence, et même les poissons n'en avaient pas conscience.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Si ha impressione che la notte sia diventata più profonda di un grado.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
La mia coscienza sembrava sul punto di offuscarsi da un momento all'altro, ma non potevo perdermi la dolcezza di quel rito di fine giornata. Non c'è nulla che mi piaccia di più di quel breve intervallo di tempo che va da quando mi infilo nel letto a quando mi addormento. Mi porto qualcosa da bere, ascolto la musica, leggo qualchepagina. È un piacere immenso, come un bel tramonto o l'aria pura e pulita.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
continuamos viviendo cada uno a su manera, incluso ahora. Por profunda y fatal que sea la perdida, por importante que sea lo que nos han arrancado de las manos, aunque nos hayamos convertido en alguien completamente distinto y solo conservemos, de lo que antes eramos, una fina capa de piel, a pesar de todo, podemos continuar viviendo, asi, en silencio
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Somerset Maugham hat einmal geschrieben, in jeder Rasur liegt eine Philosophie, und ich pflichte diesem Gedanken entschieden bei. Ganz gleich, wie banal und alltäglich eine Tätigkeit sein mag, wenn man sie nur lange genug ausübt, bekommt sie etwas Meditatives oder Kontemplatives.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I even felt a touch of sympathy for the difficulties he had faced in his life, however stupid and repulsive the shape of that life might appear to me.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
He would eventually have to pass through the forest, but he felt no fear. Of course - the forest was inside him, he knew, and it made him who he was.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
'It's hard to come by peanuts that crack so nice and crisp,' said J.
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