122 Quotes by Heather Marsh
"It is not enough to remove oppressors, the system of oppression must be dismantled."
"And it is customary for those who uphold this absolute form of secretive tyrannical rule to call people like me anarchists, but if all anarchy means is there are no absolute rulers or centralized authority, then shouldn’t that be a basic tenet of a democracy?"
"The only reason equality in a trade economy is considered a virtue is to allow rule by right of virtue for the fraternity, the libertarian ideal of meritocracy."
"If we are to proceed past the never-ending cycles of revolution and arrive at a system of peaceful evolution we need a completely different system of change."
"We could have complete, transparent, participatory knowledge accessible to all, audited at every level of understanding, and protect privacy for everyone."
"We are in a prison of our own minds holding our own chains around us. We create our oligarchs and fight for their right to oppress us."
"The single greatest tool for making moral people commit atrocities is group affiliation. The single greatest tool for promoting global human rights and equality is to end group affiliation."
"Between 2010 and 2012, Wikileaks was possibly the largest political megaphone in the world, and I had what was effectively an exclusive ability to provide human rights and political content to that megaphone."
"Who controls the words controls your thoughts."