123 Quotes by Heather O'Neill

  • Author Heather O'Neill
  • Quote

    She had fat arms, the type of arms that held sailors and soldiers and thieves. The kind of arms that held someone who was going away to jail for ten years. They were the arms of a woman who had eaten a hundred delicious cakes and pastries to get them this comfortable.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    Perhaps the most dangerous people in the world are the ones who believe in right and wrong but what they ascribe to as “right” and “wrong” is completely insane. They are bad with the conviction that they are good. That idea is the impetus behind evil.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    A young girl’s body is the most dangerous place in the world, as it is the spot where violence is most likely to be enacted.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    But although she interacted with so many people during the day, no one could actually say that they were close to her. There is an aloofness to the permanently heartbroken, a secrecy. There was something impenetrable about her. There was a door that she had closed, which no one could get in.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    The night was a typewriter key that got stuck and kept punching all the letters on top of the others until all that was left was a black blob. No word, no letter, no message in the night for me.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    We had started thinking of ourselves not in terms of things that we had done, but in terms of what we were going to do.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    Is there a difference between acting like a really intelligent person and being a really intelligent person?

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    When you’re a kid, if you watch ‘The Jeffersons’ with your family at seven o’clock, it seems like a natural phenomenon, like the sun setting. The universe is a strange, strange place when all of a sudden you can’t use your glass with the Bionic Woman on it any more.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    The piano was just now telling me how it feels so odd when it rains. The rain can cause you to suddently feel guilty for all the tiny crimes you have committed, like not telling your friend that you love her.

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