123 Quotes by Heather O'Neill

  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    But your task is to become something much more unique and surprising than anyone your parents could ever imagine you to be. You have to know that the life you have is completely yours.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    Pierrot knew that everything in the world was alive. Everything was composed of molecules that shook and vibrated and hummed. There was no such thing as permanence. Even the most stalwart object – such as a statue in the park – was struggling to keep itself together.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    But she would never have set eyes on him or given him the time of day if he hadn’t become filthy rich. His money had indeed bought him love. Given what he had seen of the world, the exchange of love for money seemed to be one of the commodities that never wavered – it was as dependable an investment as electricity.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    Xavier wasn’t put on the earth to witness the bad htings like Jules and I were. He had been put here to notice lovely things, things that God had created and no one had any complaints about. Leaves turning red in the autumn. How when the tide goes out, the shells are left on the shore. I was put here – Jules and I were both put here – to see sadder things. We had to stand in the rain and explain why the world was a lovely place.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    Why had this good-looking moll chosen this effeminate buffoon, they all wanted to know. But Jimmy understood why immediately. Because he allowed her to be free.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    It was terrifying to have the responsibility of living in a world that was filled with so much wonder.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    The soft sound of the rain on the rooftop sounded like young girls sneaking off in stockings to elope. She felt lonesome for Pierrot.

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  • Author Heather O'Neill
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    You came out of prison incredibly buff or with an addiction to paperback novels.

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