62 Quotes by Helen Humphreys

"Dark is just light turned inside out, thinks Maddy. Why be afraid of that?"


"In the end, I will have to make a choice about how to tell my story....There has to be a moment of going forward, when all the possibilities are left behind."


"I can feel the heat blossoms on your skin."


"The Moment opens. The moment closes. There is sunlight. There is frost. There is the brief idea of roses amid the patch of weeds."


"The author is at one end of the experience of writing and the reader is at the other, and the book is the contract between you."


"... the poetic moment is a static one. It's watching through a window while the action happens elsewhere. And then the poet turns away from the window because the poem is done ... It cannot unflinchingly stare grief down. At some point, by necessity, or design, it must turn away."


"We have built our houses between what is fluid and what is fixed."


"There are many different stories to tell. It's never the same. Every day weather blows in and out, alters the surface. Sometimes it is stripped down to a single essential truth, the thing that is always believed, no matter what. The seeds from which the garden has grown."


"I'm beginning to feel as though everything has happened before, that our story has already been told. Just as we were powerless to stop the fox stealing the chicken, so there seems to be an inevitability to all that takes place at Mosel. This is a ghost story. And we have somehow become the ghosts of these young men who worked this estate before the Great War. The living are the dead."


"Who? Mr. Dalton has his hand firmly on Grace's elbow, as though she can't manoeuvre herself through the blockade of tables and chairs.She could fly right through you, thinks Jack."
