62 Quotes by Helen Humphreys
"It is light that dismantles each moment, I had thought then. Light proves it one thing or another. Darkness does not judge."
"What I've always found interesting in gardens is looking at what people choose to plant there. What they put in. What they leave out. One small choice and then another, and soon there is a mood, an atmosphere, a series of limitations, a world."
"The stars wire the sky together and the crickets fill the shadows of the earth with their breath."
"All those days of walking the heath, collecting her specimens, reinforced in her a need to look to the natural world for her own location. Now, even in London, she is constantly searching out the trees and grass, the flowers, to determine her position in the urban landscape. She looks to the natural world to guide her in how she moves through the city, in how she thinks about her own life."
"Love is not a good thing, I've decided. It just makes you afraid you'll lose what you love, and then, because your fear makes a space for that to happen, it does. What's the point?"
"The department has spent more than $300,000 since 2004 maintaining the site and treating the discharge."