349 Quotes by Henry Cloud
- Author Henry Cloud
And when we fail, we own our failure. With grace, we do not need to be defensive, for we are not condemned. Guilt says, “I should be different and if I’m not, then I’m bad,” so we get defensive. Grace says, “I see the standard and I’m not measuring up. I need help and love to change so that I can live.
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- Author Henry Cloud
The greatest people are the ones who have not sought greatness, but served greatly the causes, values, and missions that were much bigger than them.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Begin with the end in mind,” says Stephen Covey in his best-selling book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Beginning with the end in mind is a trait of people who do well. It is also a trait of people who parent well. When we understand that a major goal of parents is to develop a person of good character, we have gotten closer to that goal.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Mature, healthy people need other people; they don’t isolate themselves... Needing love isn’t being immature. Rather, it gives us the energy we need to go out and slay our dragons.
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- Author Henry Cloud
You aren’t alive if you aren’t in need.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Change is frightening. It may comfort you to know, that if you are afraid, you are possibly on the right road – the road to change and growth.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Hate is part of the immune system of your soul.
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- Author Henry Cloud
The idea of submission is never meant to allow someone to overstep another’s boundaries. Submission only has meaning in the context of boundaries, for boundaries promote self-control and freedom. If a wife is not free and in control of herself, she is not submitting anyway. She is a slave subject to a slave driver, and she is out of the will of God.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Good boundaries prevent resentment.
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