349 Quotes by Henry Cloud
- Author Henry Cloud
So if you feel resistance about executing a certain ending, figure out what two or more desires are in conflict, admit to yourself that you can have only one, and then ask yourself this question: Which one am I willing to give up to have the other one?
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- Author Henry Cloud
God’s plan for us is to be loved enough by him and others, to not feel isolated – even when we’re alone.2.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Confrontation helps us learn about ourselves and change destructive patterns.
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- Author Henry Cloud
In a sense, matters of the heart are mostly subjective and unconscious, and that’s not bad. Soul connections should not always be made on a rational basis. What a boring life that would be! The unconscious part of ourselves has a wisdom of its own, and in some ways our heart knows what it wants and needs. That is valid. But God has made us with two sides of our being, the rational and the emotional; when they are in conflict, we are in trouble.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Other Christians may try to tell you what your values should be, but they are not perfect. You must take responsibility for your own choices.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Psychological symptoms are God’s way of letting us know that something is wrong. Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, and compulsive behaviors are all symptoms of a deeper problem.
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- Author Henry Cloud
Only we know what we can and want to give, and only we can be responsible for drawing that line. If we do not draw it, we can quickly become resentful.
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- Author Henry Cloud
To best deal with unsafe people, we first need to understand what causes us to be unsafe. For the problem is not just outside us; it is inside every one of us.
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- Author Henry Cloud
But, as we all know, this was a lie. The man and woman did not become like God at all. Instead, in trying to become God, they became less of themselves. And this is why we need spiritual growth. We have become less of what we were created to be.
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