3,409 Quotes by Henry David Thoreau
- Author Henry David Thoreau
Ich ging in die Wälder, weil ich bewusst leben wollte.Ich wollte das Dasein auskosten. Ich wollte das Mark des Lebens einsaugen!Und alles fortwerfen, das kein Leben barg, um nicht an meinem Todestag Innezuwerden, daß ich nie gelebt hatte.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
This whole earth in which we inhabit is but a point is space.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
Non conosco nulla di più incoraggiante dell'incontestabile capacità dell'uomo di elevare la propria vita con uno sforzo cosciente.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
Probabilmente ci sono delle parole rivolte giusto alla nostra condizione che, se le potessimo davvero sentire e capire, sarebbero e potrebbero forse rivelare il volto diverso delle cose. Quanti uomini hanno dato inizio a una nuova epoca della propria vita dalla lettura d'un libro! Esiste forse anche per noi un libro che mette in luce i nostri miracoli e ne rivela di nuovi. Le cose che adesso ci sembrano inesprimibili possiamo trovarle espresse altrove.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate... We are eager to tunnel under the Atlantic and bring the old world some weeks nearer to the new; but perchance the first news that will leak through into the broad flapping American ear will be that Princess Adelaide has the whooping cough.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
Not that food which entereth into the moth defileth a man, but the appetite with which it is eaten. It is neither the quality nor the quantity, but the devotion to sensual savors; when that which is eaten is not a viand to sustain our animal, or inspire our spiritual life, but food for the worms that possess us.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
Per noi spunta solo quel giorno al cui sorgere siamo svegli.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
Nuestras casas son una propiedad tan aparatosa que a menudo estamos más encerrados que alojados en ellas.
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- Author Henry David Thoreau
How can he remember well his ignorance—which his growth requires—who has so often to use his knowledge?
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