1,228 Quotes by Henry Rollins

  • Author Henry Rollins
  • Quote

    America’s foreign policy lacks the backbone to do the right thing in Afghanistan – which is leave.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
  • Quote

    When you title yourself, you immediately lend yourself to all kinds of pretension.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
  • Quote

    Do it or don’t. It’s amazing how many things in life are that easy.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
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    I can’t imagine being sixty years of age and playing music I wrote when I was in my twenties. I would rather sail the sea of consequence to new lands. Laps around the shallow end of the pool, not for me.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
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    Fish is the only kind of respirating thing that I consume. Everything else I don’t want any part of.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
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    So many Americans, for one reason or another, they watch the news and it doesn’t really give them the idea of the world. Or they don’t read or travel. They have no idea that America is part of the world and not the world itself.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
  • Quote

    I’ve been on ‘Jay Leno,’ and everyone likes Jay, but being on that show is a really boring afternoon. I sincerely like Jay, but I wouldn’t want his job, because I’d have to interview Kathy Ireland, and there’s nothing there I’d want to know.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
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    It’s easy for me to play bad guys because it’s a very linear acting. Bad guys aren’t empathetic. Being a bad guy is great because you’re not friendly and you don’t have to do much with your face.

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  • Author Henry Rollins
  • Quote

    To hate is to show you still care, who needs that, focus on what’s really important.

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