298 Quotes by Herbert Hoover
"It is obvious that while science is struggling to bring Heaven to earth some men are using its materials in the construction of Hell."
"Next to religion, baseball has had a greater impact on our American way of life than any other American institution."
"Our social and economic system cannot march toward better days unless it is inspired by things of the Spirit. It is here that the higher purposes of individualism must find their sustenance."
"Our strength lies in spiritual concepts. It lies in public sensitivities to evil. Our greatest danger is not from invading armies. Our dangers are that we may commit suicide from within by complaisance with evil, or by public tolerance of scandalous behavior."
"One of the primary necessities of the world for the maintenance of peace is the elimination of the frictions which arise from competitive armament."
"We cannot change ideas in the minds of men and races with machine guns or battle ships."
"I come of Quaker stock. My ancestors were persecuted for their beliefs. Here they sought and found religious freedom. By blood and conviction I stand for religious tolerance both in act and in spirit."
"We are indebted to the Book of books (Bible) for our national ideals and institution. Their preservation rests in adhering to it's precepts."
"The imperative need of this nation at all times is the leadership of Uncommon Men or Women."