298 Quotes by Herbert Hoover
"No great question will ever be settled in dollars and cents. Great questions must be settled on moral grounds and the tests of what makes free men."
"We are now speeding down the road of wasteful spending and debt, and unless we can escape we will be smashed in inflation."
"Freedom requires that government keep the channels of competition and opportunity open, prevent monopolies, economic abuse and domination."
"I pride myself on being one of the oldest fans. I can certainly count up about seventy years of devotion."
"Governments know that the life of the world cannot be saved if the soul of the world is allowed to be lost."
"More than ten million women march to work every morning side by side with the men. Steadily the importance of women is gaining notonly in the routine tasks of industry but in executive responsibility. I include also the woman who stays at home as the guardian of the welfare of the family. She is a partner in the job and wages. Women constitute a part of our industrial achievement."
"In my public statements I have earnestly urged that there rested upon government many responsibilities which affect the moral andspiritual welfare of our people. The participation of women in elections has produced a keener realization of the importance of these questions and has contributed to higher national ideals. Moreover, it is through them that our national ideals are ingrained in our children."