142 Quotes by Herbert Marcuse

  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Solitude, the very condition which sustained the individual against and beyond his society, has become technically impossible.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Obscenity is a moral concept in the verbal arsenal of the establishment, which abuses the term by applying it, not to expressions of its own morality but to those of another.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    All liberation depends on the consciousness of servitude, and the emergence of this consciousness is always hampered by the predominance of needs and satisfactions which, to a great extent, have become the individual’s own.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Our society distinguishes itself by conquering the centrifugal social forces with Technology rather than Terror, on the dual basis of an overwhelming efficiency and an increasing standard of living.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    At this stage, the question is no longer: how can the individual satisfy his own needs without hurting others, but rather: how can he satisfy his needs without hurting himself, without reproducing, through his aspirations and satisfactions, his dependence on an exploitative apparatus which, in satisfying his needs, perpetuates his servitude? The.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Precisely because Galilean science is, in the formation of its concepts, the technic of a specific Lebenswelt, it does not and cannot transcend this Lebenswelt. It remains essentially within the basic experiential framework and within the universe of ends set by this reality.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    This language, which constantly imposes images, militates against the development and expression of concepts.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Glorification of the ‘natural’ is part of the ideology which protects an unnatural society in its struggle against liberation.

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  • Author Herbert Marcuse
  • Quote

    Under the rule of a repressive whole, liberty can be made into a powerful instrument of domination. The range of choice open to the individual is not the decisive factor in determining the degree of human freedom, but what can be chosen and what is chosen by the individual.

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