233 Quotes by Herbert Spencer

"Truth generally lies in the coordination of antagonistic opinions."


"There is one principle that can keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is contempt prior to investigation."


"Sundry manifestations of nature in men and women, are greatly perverted by existing social conventions upheld by both. There are feelings which, under our predatory régime, with its adapted standard of propriety, it is not considered manly to show; but which, contrariwise, are considered admirable in women. Hence repressed manifestations in the one case, and exaggerated manifestations in the other; leading to mistaken estimates."


"The chief arguments that are urged against an established religion, may be used with equal force against an established charity. The dissenter submits, that no party has a right to compel him to contribute to the support of doctrines, which do not meet his approbation. The rate-payer may as reasonably argue, that no one is justified in forcing him to subscribe towards the maintenance of persons, whom he does not consider deserving of relief."


"The home is the most important factor in civilization, and that civilization is to be measured at different stages largely by the development in the home."


"Only when Genius is married to Science can the highest results be produced."


"There is a story of some mountains of salt in Cumana, which never diminished, though carried away in much abundance by merchants; but when once they were monopolized to the benefit of a private purse, then the salt decreased; till afterward all were allowed to take of it, when it had a new access and increase. The truth of this story may be uncertain, but the application is true; he that envies others the use of his gifts decays then, but he thrives most that is most diffusive."


"There is no origin for the idea of an afterlife, save the conclusion which the savage draws from the notion suggested by dreams."


"The presumption that any current opinion is not wholly false, gains in strength according to the number of its adherents."


"Every man may claim the fullest liberty to exercise his faculties compatible with the possession of like liberties by every other man."
