233 Quotes by Herbert Spencer
"The more specific idea of Evolution now reached is - a change from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity, accompanying the dissipation of motion and integration of matter."
"Of all the knowledge, that most worth having is knowledge about health! The first requisite of a good life is to be a healthy person."
"A living thing is distinguished from a dead thing by the multiplicity of the changes at any moment taking place in it."
"Surely in much talk there cannot choose but be much vanity. Loquacity is the fistula of the mind,--ever-running and almost incurable, let every man, therefore, be a Phocion or Pythagorean, to speak briefly to the point or not at all; let him labor like them of Crete, to show more wit in his discourse than words, and not to pour out of his mouth a flood of the one, when he can hardly wring out of his brains a drop of the other."
"It must be admitted that the conception of virtue cannot be separated from the conception of happiness-producing conduct."
"Marriage: a ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentleman."
"In the supremacy of self-control consists one of the perfections of the ideal man."
"An argument fatal to the communist theory, is suggested by the fact, that a desire for property is one of the elements of our nature."
"The child takes most of his nature of the mother, besides speech, manners, and inclination."