22 Quotes by Hiroshi Sakurazaka

"Hayatımız taşa kazınır istediğimiz kadar silip düzeltebileceğimiz bir kağıda yazılsa, bir anlamı olmazdı."


"I picked up the umeboshi from my tray and popped it into my mouth. I made a show of savoring the flavor. Truth be known, it was sour enough to twist my mouth as tight as a crab's ass at low tide, but I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of seeing that."


"At the end of the day, every man has to wipe his own ass."


"Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."


"She didn’t shed a tear. Angels don’t cry."


"Food is like war. You have to experience it for yourself."


"Like magnets: opposites attract. People are the same. Everyone has their flaws, their quirks. Rub them together, you get friction. It’s the places where they’re different that locks them together."


"If I lived, she died, and I’d never find someone like her again. If she lived, I would have to die. No matter how many times I ran it through my head, there didn’t seem to be another way out. One of us had to die and Rita didn’t want to talk it through. She was going to let our skill decide."


"My body never changed, but the OS that ran it had seen a total overhaul."


"They ate earth and shat out poison, leaving behind a lifeless wasteland. The alien intelligence that had created them had mastered space travel and learned to send information through time. Now they were taking our world and turning it into a facsimile of their own, every last tree, flower, insect, animal, and human be damned."
