31 Quotes by Holger Schmieding

  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    Still, the precise wording of the ECB statement on Thursday could provide some vital clues.

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  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    The bank hiked rates aggressively in late 2003 and early 2004 to cool down an economic boom fueled by an explosive rise in house prices, and clearly attained that goal.

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  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    It seems as if the labor market would stabilize even if it's still too early to speak of a change in trend. It's good news for consumption, but faced with high oil prices, a real improvement doesn't seem very likely for now.

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  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    They were slightly more dovish than I expected. There is a bit of a conflict between the bank's statement, and the numbers they gave.

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  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    Germany is reaping the fruits of wage restraint and painful structural reforms. In addition, the change in government seems to have improved the business climate even if Merkel has so far done hardly anything in terms of serious economic reforms.

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  • Author Holger Schmieding
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    This has weakened his claim to be the one who could lecture other financial ministers on how to run their economies. He should publicly apologize to the IMF staffers whom he scolded last time for being too pessimistic on the U.K.

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