379 Quotes by Howard Dean
- Author Howard Dean
The president didn't even tell the truth in his speech, ... He said that the Senate had the same intelligence that everybody else did. That was not true. He withheld some intelligence.
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- Author Howard Dean
In December, when we were just getting pounded by every other candidate, I asked Terry to step in because I thought it was getting kind of destructive, ... Terry decided to be neutral, so I suggest he still remain neutral.
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- Author Howard Dean
John Ashcroft is not a patriot, John Ashcroft is a descendant of Joseph McCarthy.
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- Author Howard Dean
As governor, I came to believe that the death penalty would be a just punishment for certain, especially heinous crimes, such as the murder of a child or the murder of a police officer. The events of September 11 convinced me that terrorists also deserve the ultimate punishment.
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- Author Howard Dean
We are determined to keep this organization as vibrant as it was throughout our campaign. There are a lot of ways to make change. We are leaving one track, but we are going on another track that will take back America for ordinary people again.
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- Author Howard Dean
I'm running for president because the only way to beat George Bush is to stand up to him.
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- Author Howard Dean
Well, guess what, the people of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Arizona and so forth get to decide who the front-runner is. So, it's nice talk but I'm not buying it.
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- Author Howard Dean
Look, I'm not a perfect person. I have my warts. I sometimes say things that get me in trouble. I wear suits that are cheap. But I say what I think and I believe what I say, and I'm willing to say things that are not popular but ordinary people know are right.
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- Author Howard Dean
You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well Republicans, I guess can do that. Because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives.
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