56 Quotes by Howard Pyle
- Author Howard Pyle
He who jumps for the moon and gets it not leaps higher than he who stoops for a penny in the mud.
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- Author Howard Pyle
Will you come with me, sweet Reader? I thank you. Give me your hand.
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- Author Howard Pyle
Throw your heart into the picture and then jump in after it.
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- Author Howard Pyle
When the flood cometh it sweepeth away grain as well as chaff.
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- Author Howard Pyle
Gaffer Swanthold speaks truth when he saith, ‘Better a crust with content than honey with a sour heart.
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- Author Howard Pyle
I put on my dream-cap one day and stepped into Wonderland.
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- Author Howard Pyle
You who so plod amid serious things that you feel it shame to give yourself up even for a few short moments to mirth and joyousness in the land of Fancy; you who think that life hath not to do with innocent laughter that can harm no one; these pages are not for you.
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- Author Howard Pyle
The stories of childhood leave an indelible impression, and their author always has a niche in the temple of memory from which the image is never cast out to be thrown on the rubbish heap of things that are outgrown and outlived.
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- Author Howard Pyle
My objective in teaching my pupils is that they should be fitted for any kind of art.
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