92 Quotes by Huntley Fitzpatrick

  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    Dressed-up Cass is like a creature from another planet. One I want to colonize.

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    This boy. Eyes on my face again, little smile lurking, just barely parenthesizing the corners of his lips. He lifts his eyebrows, waiting. And willing to. However long.

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    I’ve loved that girl all my life... And I’m more bummed about not getting the captain spot. Want to tell me what that means?′ That what you’ve always had doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll always get. That what you’ve always wanted isn’t what you’ll always want. I don’t realize I’ve spoken out loud until Nic says, ‘Yeah. Exactly, cuz.

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    Maybe thinking any one person can show up and give you all you need is as much of a delusion as thinking you can find truth in a bottle. Maybe you can just find what you need in little pieces, in people who show up for one crucial moment – or a whole chain of them – even if they can’t solve it all. Maybe this is the secret of big families, like the Garretts... and like AA. People’s strengths can take their turn. There can be more of us than there is trouble.

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    If what I want is a little less big, less noble than what he wants... does that make me the loser?

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    Even though this is something I know I want, I start to panic a little, until I remember the person I trust more than anyone else in the world. Jase. And I decide he’s right. We’ll figure it out together.

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  • Author Huntley Fitzpatrick
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    I love the way your whole body turns pink when you’re embarrassed,” he murmurs. “Everywhere. Your ears blush. Even your knees blush. I bet your toes blush.

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