297 Quotes by Ian Fleming
- Author Ian Fleming
One Saturday, he had gone to take the subway to Pennsylvania Station en route for the Soviet week-end rest camp at Glen Cove, the former Morgan estate on Long Island.
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- Author Ian Fleming
How soon Mathis had been proved right and how soon his own little sophistries had been exploded in his face!
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- Author Ian Fleming
He was used to oblique control and rather liked it. He felt it feather-bedded him a little, allowed him to give or take an hour or two in his communications with M.
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- Author Ian Fleming
For the first time since his capture, fear came to Bond and crawled up his spine.
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- Author Ian Fleming
I don’t care the hell what other people eat so long as they enjoy it. I can’t stand sad eaters and sad drinkers.
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- Author Ian Fleming
Each day the atmosphere became more hateful. It seemed fantastic to Bond that human relationships could collapse into dust overnight and he searched his mind again and again for a reason.
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- Author Ian Fleming
Continue, my dear friend. It is interesting for me to see this new Bond. Englishmen are so odd. They are like a nest of Chinese boxes. It takes a very long time to get to the centre of them. When one gets there the result is unrewarding, but the process is instructive and entertaining. Continue. Develop your arguments. There may be something I can use to my own chief the next time I want to get out of an unpleasant job.’ He grinned maliciously. Bond ignored him.
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- Author Ian Fleming
You’re a bloody anarchist.’ He threw his arms in the air and let them fall helplessly to his sides. Bond laughed. ‘All right,’ he said. ‘Take our friend Le Chiffre. It’s simple enough to say he was an evil man, at least it’s simple enough for me because he did evil things to me. If he was here now, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, but out of personal revenge and not, I’m afraid, for some high moral reason or for the sake of my country.
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- Author Ian Fleming
Madame Versoix had been interrupted in the middle of preparing dinner. She wore an apron and held a wooden spoon in one hand. She was younger than her husband, chubby and handsome and warm-eyed. Instinctively Bond guessed that they had no children and that they gave their thwarted affection to their friends and some regular customers, and probably to some pets.
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