59 Quotes by Ian Stewart

  • Author Ian Stewart
  • Quote

    IQ is a statistical method for quantifying specific kinds of problem-solving ability, mathematically convenient but not necessarily corresponding to a real attribute of the human brain, and not necessarily representing whatever it is that we mean by ‘intelligence’.

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  • Author Ian Stewart
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    Why resort to welfare cuts when you could aim more accurately at what you claim to be the real problem: intelligence itself? Why not improve education? Indeed, why aim your policy at increasing intelligence at all? There are many other desirable human traits. Why not reduce gullibility, aggressiveness, or greed?

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  • Author Ian Stewart
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    The urban myth that carrots are good for your eyesight originated in wartime disinformation, intended to stop the Nazis wondering why the British were getting so good at spotting raiding bombers.

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  • Author Ian Stewart
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    This is rather an awe-inspiring statement to get out of a straightforward uniqueness theorem in mathematics.

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  • Author Ian Stewart
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    In mathematics, it’s unwise to abandon an interesting idea just because it’s wrong.

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