46 Quotes by Ijeoma Oluo
"Intersectionality and the recognition and confrontation of our privilege, can make us better people with better lives."
"Our police force was not created to serve black Americans; it was created to police black Americans and serve white Americans."
"Our police forces were created not to protect Americans of color, but to control Americans of color."
"Have you seen that Chris Rock movie about hair?’ No, I haven’t seen that Chris Rock movie about hair. I don’t need to see a Chris Rock movie about black hair when I have my own head of black hair for reference. But if I had $1 for every white person who has asked me if I’ve seen that movie and then proceeded to educate me on the problems with my own damn hair and the black hair industry I’d have enough money to keep myself in Indian Remy for life."
"When we say ‘Asian American’ we are talking about so much more than can be fit in a single stereotype."
"As long as racism exists to ruin the lives of countless people of color, it should be something that upsets us. But it upsets us because it exists, not because we talk about it. And if you are white, and don’t want to feel any of that pain by having these conversations, then you are asking people of color to continue to bear the entire burden of racism alone."