19 Quotes by Inglath Cooper

  • Author Inglath Cooper
  • Quote

    I wonder how it is that we go along year after year never questioning the routines we’ve set for ourselves, never wondering if it could be different. I feel as if I’ve opened a door and discovered a way of life that makes so much more sense to me. A slower pace that allows me to actually see the beauty around me. Hear the song in the sounds and feel appreciation for it all.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    If this was how the young made themselves independent from their parents, then she only wished the process over. Watching her daughter pull away from her day by day hurt too much.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    I want to be here for you. Whatever it is you need. Just call me and I’ll come.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    I’ve heard it said that we are the sum total of every choice we’ve ever made.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. – Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    Like a patchwork quilt, I realize now that it’s the culmination of small beautiful moments that makes the quilt of our lives so beautiful. And even though we haven’t had as much time to create the fabric for the squares of ours, I know without a doubt that I will leave behind an entire quilt of beautiful moments.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    If you are not too long I will wait here for you all my life.” – Oscar Wilde.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” – William Faulkner.

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  • Author Inglath Cooper
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    Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Teresa.

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