373 Quotes by Irvin D. Yalom
- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Imagine a continuum of self-revealing. At one pole, which we'll call 'one,' is the safestrevealing, cocktail party stuff; and at the other pole, call it 'ten,' would be the deepest and riskiest revealing you can possibly imagine".
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Schopenhauer said that after death we will be what we were before our birth and then proceeded to prove the impossibility of therebeing more than one kind of nothingness.
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
People like people who are interested in them.
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
- Kako objašnjavaš njegovu popularnost?- On piše ubedljivo. I impresionira neobrazovane. Na svakoj stranici mogu se naći zvučni citati Tertulijana ili Svetog Augustina, ili recimo Platona, ili nekog indijskog mistika iz osmog veka. Ali to je samo privid erudicije. U stvari, on naprosto istrgne iz davnina niz nepovezanih citata da bi podupro svoje unapred zaokružene ideje...
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
ينما أخذ يفكر في تلكَ الفتاة الشابة المستغرقة في التأمل غمرته مشاعر أرق_ فيض من الشفقة لها و لجميع أخوانه في البشرية ضحايا ذلكَ المنعطف الفظيع من التطور الذي يمنح الوعي الذاتي ،لكنه لا يمنح الأجهزة التنفسية القدرة على مواجهة الم الوجود العابر و هكذا على مر سنين ، قرون ، الالفيات دأبنا بلا هوادة على وضع ذرائع بديلة لإنكار قدراتنا المحدودة لكن هل يمكننا ؟؟؟ هل يمكن لأي منا أن نتوقف عن البحث عن قوة أعلى يمكننا أن نندمج و نوجد فيها الى الابد .
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Nu numai ca fictiunea isi are propriul adevar, dar orice povestire, oricat de „adevarata”, este o minciuna pentru ca omite atat de multe.
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Not to take possession of your life plan is let your existence be an accident.
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Why does the same book elicit such a range of responses? There must be something in the particular reader that leaps out to embrace the book. His life, his psychology, his image of himself. There must be something lurking deep in the mind—or, as this Freud says, the unconscious—that causes a particular reader to fall in love with a particular writer.
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- Author Irvin D. Yalom
Мечтая за любов, която е повече от това двама души да изпитват нужда да се притежават... Мечтая за любов, в която двама души споделят една обща страст в търсенето на по-висшата истина. Може би не трябва да го наричам любов. Може би истинското му име е приятелство.
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