144 Quotes by Isaac Nash

  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Everything in the universe obeys God except humans sometimesSometimes and maybe all the times we sin against GodGod forgive us but we do not appreciateAppreciate what you have been forgiven for by forgiving othersOthers need your forgiveness in order to move onOn and on we will sin because we are not perfect and humansHumans need to learn from the entire universe to submit to GodGod Exist

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    You do not have to read to sing or to be fit to danceDance with others and make joy spreads to manyMany may hate and few may love but love winsWins must be celebrated with many for them to be nextNext time you dance sing also very loudLoud or low voices are both heard and make differencesDifferences of us do not matter as long as we love GodGod Exist

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Be and become a man of action regardless of your genderGender does not define a person but his or her deedsDeeds are continuous and form you for you and othersOthers may get close not because of you but who you areAre you the son of your Father or someone else?Someone else is rising who is better than youYou are the son of GodGod Exist

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    My Town is my life is my dream of life. I dream my town to be full of happiness and schemes. I want it to be qualified to overcome environmental changes when they occur because they will occur. There are two ways to build this Town. Either you build it from the start, which means you have to be reborn again, or you accept what you currently have and begin building, changing, moderating, adding, taking away, sharing, learning, helping out, supporting, and most importantly loving it as it is.

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    There is no guarantee that after someone's action(s) or interference(s) things would improve or get better. However, changes will take place. Those changes might be pleasant or unpleasant. Those changes might affect the person who interferes as well. His whole life was something and now it is something else. Do not stand by the ocean watching, through the net in, and hope for the best for yourself and others.

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