144 Quotes by Isaac Nash
- Author Isaac Nash
Before today was today but never seen before today
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- Author Isaac Nash
Unconditional love must be providedProvided to all your children without exceptionsExceptions do not exist. Learn how to present your loveLove because if you do not, you will regretRegret should not be in your dictionary but supportSupport your children. Know-how because each one is differentDifferent actions mean different results for ParentsParents Exist
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- Author Isaac Nash
With too many children an organized schedule is neededNeeded to have a private time with each childEach child needs quality time with his mother or fatherFather knows how to organize his busy scheduleSchedule is scheduled. Parents and children should be flexibleFlexible toward variables, incidents, and true ParentsParents Exist
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- Author Isaac Nash
Be always prepared to speak up for yourself and others when it is essential because no one else will do while being aware when you do otherwise.
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- Author Isaac Nash
Every unwritten page of your life is a wasted page that its owner does not belong to you anymore.
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- Author Isaac Nash
Faster means you racing the clock to accomplish more in the past of others’ times.
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- Author Isaac Nash
Name your children according to your faithFaith is the strongest element on earth for someoneSomeone is here but is not seen and is a phenomenonPhenomenon is remarkable and sometimes undiscoveredUndiscovered treasures are inside youYou are the answer and the help for your requestRequest less, give more, and always believe in GodGod Exist
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- Author Isaac Nash
Believe in God and his power and he will make you achieve things that beyond your imagination. Then do not forget to share them with others to spread the power. The power of God in you.
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- Author Isaac Nash
My mom was gone the same day I have arrivedArrived in the world and lived with one parentOne parent was my father who tried his best to beTo be a father and a mother at the same timeTime or times to remember my mom as a beautiful ParentParents Exist
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