843 Quotes by Isabel Allende

  • Author Isabel Allende
  • Quote

    This is the kind of detail that is forbidden in literature; in a book, no one would dare combine a full moon with Frank Sinatra. The problem with fiction is that it must seem credible, while reality seldom is.

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  • Author Isabel Allende
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    Nations should be governed by a council of learned men who must answer to the people for their actions.

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  • Author Isabel Allende
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    This was a matter of some small group of guerrillas in some distant caves, a primitive, fanatical, and desperate people who didn't have the resources to intimidate the United States.

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  • Author Isabel Allende
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    la guerra es la obra de arte de los militares, la culminacion de sus entrenamientos, el broche dorado de su profesion. No estan hechos para brillar en la paz. El Golpe les dio la oportunidad de poner en practica lo que habfan aprendido en los cuarteles, la obediencia ciega, el manejo de las armas y otras artes que los soldados pueden dominar cuando acallan los escrupulos del corazon

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  • Author Isabel Allende
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    Una vita tranquilla e sicura non è materiale adatto alla scrittura.[...] Ho vissuto in un mare in tempesta, con onde che mi portavano sulla cresta e poi mi facevano precipitare nel vuoto [...] Ora navigo alla deriva, giorno dopo giorno, contenta del semplice fatto di galleggiare finché è possibile.

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  • Author Isabel Allende
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    [...] i fantasmi dell'immaginazione si trasformano in personaggi definiti, unici, con la loro voce, disposti a raccontarmi le loro vite se concedo loro tempo a sufficienza. Sono così sicura della loro presenza da stupirmi che nessun altro riesca a percepirli

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  • Author Isabel Allende
  • Quote

    I strike the ground with the soles of my feet and life rises up my legs, spreads up my skeleton, takes possession of me, drives away distress and sweetens my memory. The world trembles.

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