46 Quotes by J. Andrew Schrecker

"Wash, rinse, and repeat. Such is History."


"Americans are curious as a people in that we have a relatively limited history and yet endless nostalgia."


"And yes, life ismostly boring, andwe each go through itfeeling ugly or likea failure, but sometimesthe sun cuts througha tree line just right, oryou get to holdsomeone's hand forthe first time."


"How we devour one another's culture, do so without shame--ideas like water, free flowing and able to take on other forms. Able to flood highways, level entire cities if summoned with enough force."


"I've never been a good representation of me."


"I once found a phoenixcharred in its own ashes. Ibrought it home withme, wept through the night,and then tossed it tothe wind--its brittle bodydispersing all about.This thing withouta name and deep withinme--how it truly believesthat if something is meantto take flight, then itmust one way or another."


"Alarm clocks unset, their tauntssilent. Crystals flashing dire red,as if to warn of seconds thatdwell, of years that fleet."


"I think the fundamental drive for most anyone, whether their actions are innocent or more nefarious in nature, is that everyone just wants to have value. Unfortunately, our ideas of what that means are often too vague to act on, if not misshapen by an ever-difficult world."


"There are worse things thandying alone or afraid, such asdying unafraid, or dying twice,or dying to live."


"I think part of the reason escapism is a predominate aspect of American arts—especially cinema—is because that’s what’s in our DNA. Our ancestors came here to avoid whatever was happening where they were originally from. Escapism is literally in our genes."
