239 Quotes by J. I. Packer

  • Author J. I. Packer
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    I need not torment myself with the fear that my faith may fail; as grace led me to faith in the first place, so grace will keep me believing to the end. Faith, both in its origin and continuance, is a gift of grace (Phil 1:29).

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    There is unspeakable comfort in knowing that God is constantly taking knowledge of me in love and watching over me for my good.

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    My advice to a new husband is nothing more than 'husbands, love your wives.' And 'love your wife as Christ has loved the church.' Never forget that you are Christ's representative in serving your wife.

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    A God whom we could understand exhaustively, and whose revelation of Himself confronted us with no mysteries whatsoever, would be a God in man's image, and therefore an imaginary God, not the God of the Bible at all.

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    Jesus' pattern prayer, which is both crutch, road, and walking lesson for the spiritually lame like ourselves, tells us to start with God: for God matters infinitely more than we do.

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    Adoption is the highest privilege that the gospel offers: higher even than justification.. . To be right with God the Judge is a great thing, but to be loved and cared for by God the Father is greater.

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  • Author J. I. Packer
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    Ease and luxury, such as our affluence brings today, do not make for maturity; hardship and struggle however do.

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