130 Quotes by J. Lynn

"Those lips had curved into a knowing half smile that did funny things to her insides. And like a match tossed to gasoline, her body sparked alive and flames licked every inch of her."


"There was a difference between loving someone and being in love."


"My dream had been shattered, but then re-created, fashioned into something with more meaning and becoming more precious."


"A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life."


"I want to be here with you, Avery. You don’t have to worry about impressing me or wowing me. You’ve already done that."


"My first celebrity crush was Jonathan Brandis. I even got to talk to him on the phone. I wrote a fan letter, and he answered. Talk about a surreal experience."


"You were perfect – perfect for me – and I love you."


"I can see that you don’t believe me. Maybe it was the cookie? Well, you refused to taste my cookies last night and honestly, I was going to eat the other cookie, but you looked so tired and sad sitting there, I figured you needed the cookie more than I did."


"You’re young and you have all your life ahead of you."


"Easy for you to say. You’re the one who got plowed. I was doing the plowing."
