232 Quotes by J.I. Packer

  • Author J.I. Packer
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    He that has learned to feel his sins, and to trust Christ as a Saviour, has learned the two hardest and greatest lessons in Christianity.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    There is tremendous relief in knowing His love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me , so that no discovery can disillusion him about me , in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench his determination to bless me.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    What we often feel in ecstatic moments in this world - 'I don't ever want this to stop' - will be the constant thought of our hearts in that world. We shall think it, knowing that in fact it never WILL stop.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    Trying to describe what I do in prayer would be like telling the world how I make love to my wife.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    I do not think it can be disputed that while we lay heavy stress on faith (coming to Christ, trusting His promises, believing that God knows what He is doing with our lives, and hoping for heaven), we touch very lightly on repentance (binding one's conscience to God's moral law, confessing and forsaking one's sins, making restitution for past wrongs, grieving before God at the dishonor one's sins have done Him, and forming a game plan for holy living).

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    There is no holiness without a Christ-centered, Christ-seeking, Christ-serving, Christ-adoring heart.

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