232 Quotes by J.I. Packer

  • Author J.I. Packer
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    The Holy Spirit’s main ministry is not to give thrills but to create in us Christlike character.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    To mend our own relationship with God, regaining God’s favor after having once lost it, is beyond the power of any one of us. And one must see and bow to this before one can share the biblical faith in God’s grace.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    The process of learning to be holy, like the process of learning to pray, may properly be thought of as a school – God’s own school, in which the curriculum, the teaching staff, the rules, the discipline, the occasional prizes and the fellow pupils with whom one studies, plays, debates and fraternizes, are all there under God’s sovereign providence.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    We are only living truly human lives just so far as we are labouring to keep God’s commandments; no further.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    Men treat God’s sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is matter for worship.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    Our best works are shot through with sin and contain something for which we need to be forgiven.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    God answers the prayer we ought to have made rather than the prayer we did make.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    Redeeming love and retributive justice joined hands, so to speak, at Calvary, for there God showed himself to be “just, and the justifier of him that hath faith in Jesus.

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  • Author J.I. Packer
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    When you are not conscious of temptation, pray “lead us not into temptation”; and when you are conscious of it, pray “deliver us from evil”; and you will live.

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