1,027 Quotes by Jack Kerouac
- Author Jack Kerouac
cliches are truisms and all truisms are true
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- Author Jack Kerouac
I just won't sleep," I decided. There were so many other interesting things to do.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
..and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didnt know who I was
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- Author Jack Kerouac
...wishing there was a Personal God in all this impersonal matter.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
Never mistake talking about writing for actual writing.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
They spent all week saving pennies and went out Saturdays to spend fifty bucks in three hours.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
and I shudder sometimes to think of all that stellar mystery of how she IS going to get me in a future lifetime, wow - And I seriously do believe that will be my salvation, too. A long way to go.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
We were all delighted, we all realized we were leaving confusion and nonsense behind and performing our one and noble function of the time, move.
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- Author Jack Kerouac
Vanity of vanities… all is vanity.’ You kill yourself to get to the grave. Especially you kill yourself to get to the grave before you die; and the name of the grave is ‘success’, the name of that grave is hullabullo boom boom horseshit.
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