32 Quotes by Jacob Nordby
- Author Jacob Nordby
You know that crazy heart of yours? The one with lightning crackling and moonlight shining through it. The one you’ve been told not to trust because it often led you off the beaten path. The one so many have misunderstood your entire life. Trust it. Feed it. Grow it. It’s your greatest treasure and will point the way to your highest destiny. It is the voice of your soul.
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- Author Jacob Nordby
You are a living mystery school…Your blood and bones contain ancient wisdom…Your heart is a treasure map to Authentic Self.
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- Author Jacob Nordby
Welcome the small cracking of your hard-clodded shell,Embrace the warm sting of tears,Kiss the shadow which frightens you awake as you turn the corners of your day,Love the whole of everything,Smooth sunshine skies andJagged edgesWhich all seek us out in Constant whisper and touchTo say, 'hello, Beautiful. You’re alive
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- Author Jacob Nordby
The art of living is to fall in love over and over again.It is no easy thing to walk through the world with an open heart, embracing everything, and also stand true, allowing no poison to infect us.But be cracked open often.Pour yourself into life withholding nothing. Heal and be healed. This is the way of living in full.
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- Author Jacob Nordby
Find your purpose, find your passion. Find your passion, find your purpose. Turn either way, it doesn't matter. Because how do you separate conjoined twins like these?
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