305 Quotes by Jacques Chirac

"It's time for you to invest more and better in research on our soil, ... I don't see any contradiction between the international nature of your business ... and the privileged link you must retain and strengthen with France."


"We believe you are on the right path and we have full confidence in you to continue your action, ... We know that the international effort will last for years to come, and France will fully play its part."


"We are in a situation that is extremely precarious,"


"I want to say to the children of the difficult neighborhoods: Whatever their origin, they are all daughters and sons of the republic, ... We will construct nothing durable without respect. We will construct nothing durable if we allow the growth, wherever they originate, of racism, insults, abuse. We will construct nothing if we do not combat the poison to society that is discrimination."


"unjust for those who are not entitled to them."


"We'll do all we can to ensure the resolution conforms to what we see as the interests of the region, the interest of ethics, our idea of international order, ... If we don't succeed, France, as a member of the Security Council and a permanent member, will fulfill its responsibilities."


"Yes, I am a candidate, ... I'm happy to have told you. I therefore commit myself, before the French people."


"Those who admire you -- and they are as numerous in France as they are in your own country -- know that this extraordinary performance represents courage, effort, determination."


"The world is not only a market. Our societies need rules. The economy must be in the service of man and not the reverse."


"To better help the youth, notably the youth in difficulty, to move toward employment, I've decided to create a voluntary civil service,"
