305 Quotes by Jacques Chirac
"She will remain for me, as for many French, the smiling and emotional Olympic champion with the extraordinary stride,"
"I invite the Iranian authorities to make the choice of cooperation and trust by genuinely looking at this offer and by reverting to their commitments to suspend activities linked to the production of fissile materials,"
"express themselves clearly on the scale and speed of change over the next five years."
"She lent our long-standing alliance the radiant strength of her personality,"
"I intend to respond ... by giving a new and strong impetus to the action of the government,"
"She leaves us a strong message which knows no borders and goes beyond faith -- mutual support, listening and solidarity,"
"Faced with this situation, we must act, ... What's urgent is to ensure the safety of people living in precarious housing."
"In an open world, no one can live in isolation, no one can act alone in the name of all, and no one can accept the anarchy of a society without rules, ... There is no alternative to the United Nations."
"I know that the French people will understand that we had to act, ... Before the unjustified and incomprehensible obstinacy of President Milosevic, the allies unanimously agreed that there was no other choice than to intervene militarily against targeted Serbian objectives. This in order to contain a tragedy which endangers the stability of the Balkans more and more."