21 Quotes by Jaida Jones

"As it almost always was when I'd been too self-centered to see the truth of the matter, I felt impossibly foolish."


"They also knew that the most frightening Talent was that which required no fanfare at all, that which slipped unnoticed to lie beside you at night and whispered hello from the other side of the pillow."


"Repeat after me, Mr. Black: I do believe in commas. I do, I do."


"She isn't anybody's,' Rook said darkly.'Son. she's not yours, either," Sarah Fleet said."


"I have never been one to ignore the signs. Unless, of course, it works in my favor."


"Being crazy about someone isn't nice or passionate or deeply moving; it is, surprisingly enough, crazy."


"Well,” he said, “and this is only my own way of thinking, mind, but when you’re doing something you love – really love – you can’t let the way others play the game get in the way of that, if you follow. It don’t matter if your coach is hassling you, or whether you don’t like how some of your teammates indulge in the sport. When you’re out there, you’ve got a goal to accomplish, and you can’t see to letting all that mishmash weigh you down."


"Nice to meet you,” Remus says. It’s a reflex. If one banged his knee, chances are he’d probably come out with a “how many sugars do you take in your tea?” before a kick."


"And then, after a period that seemed both as swift as mere minutes and as endless as days, it was done."


"What I caught that winter was a memory of a purpose."
